Sunday, January 23, 2011

lady portrait

After the lion debuted at FCC, a member asked me to paint a portrait for his family.  It was truly an honor to be a part of this project.

I used oil paint on canvas and worked from a photograph that was provided.

baby face

I worked from a photo in a magazine ad for this gem, and it was for a school project - one of my absolute favorites.

lion fish

This was a colored pencil illustration project. I used prismacolor brand pencils on black drawing paper (forgive me for not remembering the brand).

Hand Study

This was a study I did of my hands - or, I guess it's more accurate to say that this was a study of my left hand...

lions are cool

I was hired to paint this piece by First Christian Church of Kenosha. It's still hanging in the church there. It was a very cool project to do...

Finished size was approximately 3 ft by 4 ft (or something similar). I usually work smaller, but it was a really great opportunity.